
My feel + My new Idol

This few days I felt like not so happy..

Since I knew I gonna study at niali not subang..

I'm not so happy..

1-All my friends not there
2-The place is far to my bf living place
3-The place also far to all my friends there
4-No friends
5-no roommate(cz I stay at single room)

Tats all.. All the reasons why I felt so unhappy this few day..

If can give me choose back, I wan study at inti subang..

I dun care whether at subang is small branch,I jz wan my friends..

Even nilai is a big branch then SO WHAT..

HaizzZz.. Dunno my live will be how when I stay at there?

A lot of question mark inside my brain..

All unsolved question inside my brain..-_-"

Jz hope everything will be fine and happy go lucky.


Further more, I fallen in love to SECONDHAND SERENADE.

(Secondhand Serenade是乐队名,一个原声摇滚乐队,直译的话是二手小夜曲,不过虽然叫乐队,但实际上,所有的工作都是John Vesely一个人完成的,他负责唱歌演凑吉它和钢琴。所以Secondhand Serenade即是指John Vesely,他1980年生于加尼福尼亚的门洛帕克市,有一个妻子有一个小孩。 加州男生John Vesely的父亲演奏了20年的爵士乐,从小耳濡目染,难免也对音乐产生兴趣。John 从12岁时开始迷上吉他,并且开始创作歌曲。2005年,John为自己想好了一个艺名--Secondhand Serenade(二手夜曲),毛遂自荐到独立厂牌Glassnote,于是专辑Awake诞生。有别于一般Emo乐队成员喜欢把自己打扮得像要去参加葬 礼一样,John Vesely干净健康的外表很有可能会让你误以为这是一个商业流行男歌手。不过千万别以貌取人,John Vesely音乐中激进的速度感和他极具爆发力的演唱绝对能让你热血沸腾)

*write in chinese Cz like tat jz can describe more detail..

his voice damn nice... I love his song...

Cz all his song were describe my felt,my passed,my life and so on..

All meaningful... So nice...

You all can try to download their song..

All NICE!! 1st time I download song didnt try to listen I direct download the song..

Xspecially I love FALL FOR YOU this song..

Even This song was out-of-date..But This song so nice really nice!!

I love it so much...


Click there you can download tis song..(:


Jing said...


Shetyan said...
